For quite sometime, I have refrain myself to keep this blog updated. The last time I did published something was around March this year (2019). Uhmm, I guess I've being a bit lazy I'd say ..
Lolo 😀 ..
Joke apart - today, I am starting a series of blog post for around stuff, I am currently working on..
And this is post is around ParrotOS ..
Due to the nature of this post, I'll presume the reader is familiar with ParrotOS - if not the please have read more about ParrotOS .. As I will not explain it here.
So - Today I did quick refreshment into the ParrotOS VM instance I have installed on VMware Workstation *[ ]. I haven't used if for quite a while so, it was a bit rustier, therefore I need to updated it.
Whoever the ParrotOS update command was failing with error:
code: [
Temporary failure resolving ‘”]
Fig - 01
- As per the screenshot shows, I was unable to connect into Update ParrotOS or connect into the web, as the DNS was not resolving.
Fig. 02
- Neither ping commands worked.
After some search into Google here is how I did resolved this..
- By updating the DNS record I was able to then Connect into the internet .. Also you can check the following file:
==> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
*Optional* - I would advice you to add temporarily
==> $ echo >> "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf
It started work afterwards ..
As also was by then able to update the OS;
As still working.. Hope this helps whoever struggles to connect your VM or main machine into the internet.
===> $ sudo anosurf dns
Till next post :-)