Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Changing Perpectives into DevSecOPs - Playing around with ParrotOS

For quite sometime, I have refrain myself to keep this blog updated. The last time I did published something was around March this year (2019). Uhmm, I guess I've being a bit lazy I'd say ..

Lolo 😀 ..

Joke apart - today, I am starting a series of blog post for around stuff, I am currently working on..

And this is post is around ParrotOS ..

Due to the nature of this post, I'll presume the reader is familiar with ParrotOS - if not the please have read more about ParrotOS .. As I will not explain it here.

So - Today I did quick refreshment into the ParrotOS VM instance I have installed on VMware Workstation *[https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-pro.html ]. I haven't used if for quite a while so, it was a bit rustier, therefore I need to updated it.

Whoever the ParrotOS update command was failing with error:

code: [
Temporary failure resolving ‘deb.parrot.sh”

Fig - 01

- As per the screenshot shows, I was unable to connect into Update ParrotOS or connect into the web, as the DNS was not resolving.

Fig. 02

- Neither ping commands worked.

After some search into Google here is how I did resolved this..

- By updating the DNS record I was able to then Connect into the internet .. Also you can check the following file:
 ==> $ cat /etc/resolv.conf

*Optional*  - I would advice you to add temporarily
 ==> $ echo >> "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf

It started work afterwards ..

As also was by then able to update the OS;

As still working.. Hope this helps whoever struggles to connect your VM or main machine into the internet.

===> $ sudo anosurf dns

Till next post  :-) 

Friday, 29 March 2019

What is Kubernetes? Container orchestration explained

Docker containers have reshaped the way people think about developing, deploying, and maintaining software. Drawing on the native isolation capabilities of modern operating systems, containers support VM-like separation of concerns, but with far less overhead and far greater flexibility of deployment than hypervisor-based virtual machines.

Containers are so lightweight and flexible, they have given rise to new application architectures. The new approach is to package the different services that constitute an application into separate containers, and to deploy those containers across a cluster of physical or virtual machines. This gives rise to the need for container orchestration—a tool that automates the deployment, management, scaling, networking, and availability of container-based applications.

Enter Kubernetes. This open source project spun out of Google automates the process of deploying and managing multi-container applications at scale. While Kubernetes works mainly with Docker, it can also work with any container system that conforms to the Open Container Initiative (OCI) standards for container image formats and runtimes. And because Kubernetes is open source, with relatively few restrictions on how it can be used, it can be used freely by anyone who wants to run containers, most anywhere they want to run them.

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