Showing posts with label Deveops Engineer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deveops Engineer. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 July 2024

How to Write a DevOps Handover Document

A DevOps Handover document template to help a person leaving a project pass on the work done to another engineer, so it is continued, the work is around the Ansible playbook, for ci/cd automation, Jenkins pipeline and GitLab repository..

                          ##### BEGINNING OF  DOCUMENT TEMPLATE #########

DevOps Handover Document

Project Overview

Provide a brief overview of the project, its objectives, and its key components.

  • Project Name:
  • Project Description:
  • Key Stakeholders:
  • Project Timeline:
  • Current Status:

Ansible Playbook


Provide an overview of the Ansible playbook used in the project.

  • Purpose: Describe the purpose of the playbook.
  • Main Playbooks and Roles: List the primary playbooks and roles, their locations, and their functions.
  • Dependencies: Outline any dependencies or prerequisites for running the playbooks.

Directory Structure

├── ansible/ │ ├── playbooks/ │ │ ├── main_playbook.yml │ │ └── other_playbooks.yml │ ├── roles/ │ │ ├── role1/ │ │ └── role2/ │ ├── inventory/ │ │ ├── production │ │ └── staging │ └── ansible.cfg
  • Playbooks: Detailed description of key playbooks and their functions.
  • Roles: Detailed description of key roles and their tasks.
  • Inventory: Description of the inventory files and their purpose.
  • Configuration: Any special configurations in ansible.cfg.

Running Playbooks

Provide step-by-step instructions for running the playbooks.

  1. Setup Environment:
    ansible-playbook -i inventory/production main_playbook.yml
  2. Common Commands:
    • Command for running a specific playbook.
    • Command for running playbooks in staging/production environments.
    • Command for checking the playbook syntax.
    • Any other relevant commands.

CI/CD Automation

Jenkins Pipeline


Provide an overview of the Jenkins pipeline configuration.

  • Purpose: Describe the pipeline’s role in the project.
  • Pipeline Stages: List and describe each stage of the pipeline.


  • Jenkinsfile Location:
  • Pipeline Script: Provide a snippet or full script of the Jenkinsfile if possible.
  • Plugins: List the Jenkins plugins used and their purposes.

Common Tasks

  • Triggering Builds: How to manually trigger builds.
  • Monitoring Builds: How to monitor build status and logs.
  • Debugging Issues: Steps to debug common issues.

GitLab Repository


Provide an overview of the GitLab repository setup.

  • Repository URL:
  • Branches: List and describe the purpose of key branches (e.g., main, develop, feature/*, hotfix/*).
  • Branching Strategy: Explain the branching strategy used in the project.
  • Merge Requests: Outline the process for creating and reviewing merge requests.

Repository Structure

├── .gitlab/ │ ├── ci/ │ │ ├── stages/ │ │ ├── jobs/ │ │ └── scripts/ ├── src/ │ ├── main/ │ └── test/ ├── docs/ └──
  • Key Directories: Description of key directories and their contents.
  • CI Configuration: Details of GitLab CI configuration (.gitlab-ci.yml).

Common Tasks

  • Cloning the Repository:
    git clone <repository_url>
  • Working with Branches:
    • Creating a new branch.
    • Merging branches.
  • CI/CD Pipelines:
    • How to trigger pipelines.
    • Monitoring pipeline status.
    • Debugging failed pipelines.

Contacts and Resources

Provide a list of key contacts and resources for further assistance.

  • Project Manager: Name, email, phone number.
  • Technical Lead: Name, email, phone number.
  • Relevant Documentation: Links to any additional documentation or resources.
  • Access Credentials: Securely provide any necessary credentials or access details.

Additional Notes

Any additional notes, tips, or important information to be aware of.

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]

                                   ##### END OF  DOCUMENT TEMPLATE #########

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