Showing posts with label Dictionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dictionary. Show all posts

Friday, 5 April 2024

In ansible what is the best way to get dict object to print out ?

There are several ways to print out a dictionary object in Ansible, depending on your desired level of detail and formatting:

1. Using debug Module:

This is the simplest way to print the entire dictionary, including keys and values.

- debug:
    var: my_dict

2. Using Jinja2 Template Filters:

  • json_encode filter: Converts the dictionary to a JSON string for a structured representation.
- debug:
    msg: "Dictionary as JSON: {{ my_dict | json_encode }}"
  • to_yaml filter (if using the yaml collection): Converts the dictionary to a YAML string.
- debug:
    msg: "Dictionary as YAML: {{ my_dict | to_yaml }}"
  • Custom filters: Create custom filters to format the output according to your specific needs.

3. Looping through the Dictionary:

For a more controlled output, iterate through the dictionary using a loop and print individual key-value pairs.

- debug:
    msg: "Key: {{ item.key }}, Value: {{ item.value }}"
  loop: "{{ my_dict }}"
    item: key_value  # Adjust variable name if needed

4. Using dict Lookup Plugin:

The dict lookup plugin allows you to access specific values within the dictionary:

- debug:
    msg: "Value of key 'foo': {{ lookup('dict', }}"

Choosing the Best Method:

  • Use debug for quick inspection of the entire dictionary.
  • Use Jinja2 filters for structured output (JSON or YAML) or with custom formatting.
  • Use loop for controlled output and accessing specific key-value pairs.
  • Use dict lookup plugin for retrieving specific values within the dictionary.

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