Showing posts with label Data recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data recovery. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Some Things I've learnt about GNS3

I am in no way an expert on GNS3, just a trainee   below are a few things i have learnt lately. I thought it might be a good idea to produce something like this. If everyone replied to it and added a few tips of their own it could be turned into a CLN GNS3 tips and tricks document.

GNS3 Web Sites GNS3’s primary Web site GNS3’s Wiki site Dynamips – the actual emulator Dynamips blog Dynagen Dynamips/Dynagen bug tracking Hacki’s forum

1. GNS3 has less chance of crashing if the bin files are unzipped.

2. Currently images for 2600 routers must be uncompressed to work with Dynamips.

3. To dramatically reduce the load on your processor, right click on the router and choose idle, after a few moments it will give you a list to choose from.
Choose the one with a * against it, if you don't see a * in the choice run it again.

4. If you don't need any special routers then use the same type on the whole lab, this will use far less processing power and memory.

5. To print out the diagram of your network click file then export, you can export all or just what is visible.

6. To move your router/routers/links etc click the left mouse button and draw around what you want to move, you can then move everything that is inside that shape.

7. I find that if you move around the interface identities they eventually go back to their original position. I don't move them anymore as it looks a bit
messy when that happens.

8. You can't use GNS3 for the SWITCH studies, GNS3 only has basic switch capabilities.

9. You can create computers and run ping's/telnet with VPC, the document attached shows you how, its very simple to follow. I did find that it takes a few times for it to accept being a cloud, once you click ok just open it back up and check it.

10. I personally find that it is best to connect your links between routers when they are switched off, sometimes i find it fails otherwise.

11. You can create a router to act like a pc, this is shown below but it is also in the document.

Router(config)# no ip routing         Turns off IP routing function
Router(config)# interface fa0/0      Switches to FastEthernet interface
Router(config-if)# ip address address subnet_mask Assigns IP address and subnet mask to interface
Router(config-if)# no shutdown      Turns interface on
Router(config-if)# exit                     Returns to global configuration mode
Router(config)# ip default-gateway gateway_address Configures the default gateway
Router(config)# ip http server         Optional – starts http server process

12. You can connect GNS3 to real equipment, i have not done this yet myself, it is in the document attached how to do this.

13. When using windows 64 bit GNS3 will default to program files (x86). GNS3 is a 32 bit program for windows so point it to program files not the (x86).

14. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad with a i7 processor and 4GB of RAM. With 7 routers of the same type my processor is running between 8 and 15 %, my RAM consumption is around 2.3 to 2.8 GB. That is also using a few other programs on my laptop at the sometimes.

Monday, 19 August 2013

How To Install VMWare Tools v4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server

How To Install VMWare Tools v4 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server and 12.10 Server

Written: March 13, 2012
Originally posted by: Justin Schier
Last Updated: October 24, 2012
Tested With: Ubuntu 12.10 Server, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS Server, Ubuntu 11.10 Server

All the guides I found on the Internet, including VMWare’s website were outdated in some way, so I decided to write a guide of my own. I just went through these steps from start to finish on a fresh server and had no problems. In about 5 minutes, you will be able to install VMWare Tools on Ubuntu Server.
  1. Use Install VMWare Tools option in VMWare Client to attach media
    ubuntu vmware tools install 12.10 
  2. Update the server
  3. Create the mount point
  4. Mount the ISO

    You should see the message: mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
  5. Change Directory
  6. Copy the tar file to your /tmp directory
  7. Install Build tools if necessary
  8. Change Directory
  9. Unmount the ISO
  10. Expand the tar
  11. Change Directory
  12. To prevent a potential error in the install script on Ubuntu 11.10+, create a special directory
    Unable to create symlink “/usr/lib64/” pointing to file ”/usr/lib/vmware-tools/lib64/”.
  13. Run the Install Script. The -d flag automatically answers the default to all questions. To customize it, just omit the -d.
  14. Reboot
Let me know if this worked for you!
Also, please follow me on Twitter: @justinschier

This is "How to do Computing" for everyday usage ...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Manually uninstalling VMware Workstation from Linux hosts

Manually uninstalling VMware Workstation from Linux

VMWare Workstation doesn't ship in a deb, so it isn't registered in dpkg (which is why you can't find it in the software center). It does have an install and uninstall utility though.

To uninstall VMWare Workstation, you will need to run

#vmware-installer --uninstall-product vmware-workstation


This article provides steps for manually removing VMware Workstation when the uninstaller script or RPM package fails to remove the product automatically.


Note: Log into the host using the root account to execute the terminal commands in this article. If running Ubuntu, the root account is not available by default. Prepend all commands with sudo,or switch to root using this command:

sudo su -

Warning: This command provides unrestricted access to the operating system. It is possible to cause damage to the system when using this access level.

  1. Open a command prompt. For more information, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892). Type the commands as indicated in the steps of this procedure.
  2. Shut down all VMware applications and services.

    /etc/init.d/vmware stop

  3. Verify that all processes have stopped:

    lsmod | grep vm

    Note: A zero must be listed beside VMware related modules to indicate that they are no longer running.

  4. Move the VMware libraries to the /tmp directory:

    cd /lib/modules/kernel_version/misc
    mv vm* /tmp

    Note: If the kernel has ever been updated, you must check and move the files from multiple paths. Substitute the kernel version where indicated above.

  5. Unload the kernel modules:

    rmmod vmnet.o
    rmmod vmmon.o
    rmmod vmci.o
    rmmod vmblock.o
    rmmod vmppuser.o

  6. Remove the VMware startup scripts:

    RedHat and Most Distributions:
    rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc2.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc3.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc5.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc6.d/*vmware*


    rm /etc/rc2.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc3.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc5.d/*vmware*
    rm /etc/rc6.d/*vmware*

    Note: If you are using a different Linux distribution, substitute the correct path in the commands.

  7. Remove the remaining VMware files and directories:

    rm -rf /etc/vmware*
    rm /usr/bin/vmware-usbarbitrator
    rm /usr/bin/vmnet*
    rm -r /usr/lib/vmware*
    rm -r /usr/share/doc/vmware*

  8. If an RPM package was used to install the VMware product, complete these steps to delete the RPM database entry:

    rpm -qa | grep VMware

    A list of VMware packages is presented. Copy the exact package name for the next step and paste it into the command where indicated.

  9. Remove the VMware packages:

    rpm --erase --nodeps VMware_Package_Name

Friday, 12 October 2012

md5sum.exe introduction

After you download all the Shorten (.shn) files for a particular disc or show, you want to verify that the files are not corrupted or otherwise unusable before you burn them to disc or host them on your file server. We do this by checking the downloaded Shorten (.shn) files against an .md5 file. An .md5 is a simple text file that contains a "fingerprint" of each Shorten file.

When you perform an md5 check, you are comparing the fingerprint from the files you downloaded to the fingerprint of the files on the server you downloaded from. If the md5's (fingerprints) match, you have an uncorrupted Shorten file.

 md5sum.exe - 48KB         88170 Downloads since 9/29/00

  • Windows 95/98/Me: Download md5sum.exe to c:\windows\command

  • Windows NT/2000: Download md5sum.exe to your c:\winnt\system32

    Open an MS-DOS window and go to the directory of the show you want to check. When you are in that directory, type:
    md5sum -c [filename].md5
    You must insert the name of the .md5 file [without the brackets]. Below is an example of a successful md5sum check:
    On the other hand, if a track does not pass the md5check, you will see the following:
    If any Shorten files do not pass the .md5 check, you should delete the offending file(s), and try re-downloading. Then run the .md5 check again. The file(s) should now pass the .md5 check.

    If the same files fail an .md5 check more than twice, you should contact the FTP Siteop you downloaded the files from and let them know what tracks are giving you a problem. They may be hosting a corrupted track without knowing it.

    Open an MS-DOS window and go to the directory of the show you want to create an .md5 file for. When you are in that directory, type:

    md5sum *.shn > [filename].md5
    NOTE: You must insert the name of the .md5 file [without the brackets]. Example:
    md5sum *.shn > ph94-06-26d1.md5

    An .md5 file will be created and placed in that directory. Please remember to adhere the naming scheme when naming .md5 files!

    Please remember to always .md5 check your Shorten files before burning!

    Special thanks to and the PCP community for compiling this special version of md5sum. Documentation and graphics by Mike Wren.


    Thursday, 19 July 2012

    How to install Wireless drivers on ubuntu 10.04

    About a day ago my boss asked me to get a Linus distro ubuntu 10.04 to work, it happens that thid version is not coming with network drivers activated...

    Here is how I worked out to get my WiFI drivers to work.. Later I post the solution to the Ethernet.  Let me remind you that sometimes, the setup can get mess up by some updates.

    But sooner u know how to get it done, and do it once, then it becomes easier. The first thing you need to do, in order to update or install your wifi drivers is to find out what is your kernel version ....

    You can do it by running this simple command in terminal ....

    uname -r


    Or something like this ....

    A second way is to look at the /proc/version file. This can be easily accomplished by using the cat command (which is commonly used to read and concatenate files), i.e.,
    cat /proc/version
    A third way is to use the rpm (i.e., Red Hat package manager) command with its -q (i.e., query) option and use the word kernel as an argument (i.e., input data) as follows:
    rpm -q kernel


    The download the drives from here a trusted source, for me it happens to be this one .. Realtek Drivers .... {The drivers are to my kernel type yours might be different }..

    Download them into your computer, and then that what you have to do..

    1 - unzip it into your /tmp folder .. with this command ..

     sudo tar -zxvf name_of_the_package.tar.gz

    Then ..

    root@hostdevelop:/# ls
    bin    etc             lib         mnt   sbin     tmp      vmlinuz.old
    boot   home            lib64       opt   selinux  usr
    cdrom  initrd.img      lost+found  proc  srv      var
    dev    initrd.img.old  media       root  sys      vmlinuz
    root@hostdevelop:/# cd ./tmp
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp# ls
    keyring-r6S9ei      pulse-PKdhtXMmr18n
    orbit-gdm           rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011.tar.gz
    orbit-hostdevelop   ssh-NlCyNr1469
    pulse-m5lvqUFNxjXA  virtual-hostdevelop.SxNVar
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp# tar -zxvf rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011.tar.gz
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp# ls
    keyring-r6S9ei      rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011
    orbit-gdm           rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011.tar.gz
    orbit-hostdevelop   ssh-NlCyNr1469
    pulse-m5lvqUFNxjXA  virtual-hostdevelop.SxNVar
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp# cd ./rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011# ls
    firmware  Makefile    realtek       rtllib  wpa1.conf
    HAL       readme.txt  release_note  runwpa  wpa_supplicant-0.6.9.tar.gz
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011# make
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_core.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_eeprom.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_wx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_cam.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_pm.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_pci.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_ps.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_debug.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_ethtool.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl_regd.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_dev.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_tx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_rx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_Efuse.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_phy.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_firmware.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_dmbt.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_dmout.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_dm.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_rtl6052.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_hwimg.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_led.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/rtl8192c/r8192C_com.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_rx.o
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_rx.c: In function ‘rtllib_FlushRxTsPendingPkts’:
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_rx.c:1297: warning: the frame size of 1040 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_rx.c: In function ‘RxReorderIndicatePacket’:
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_rx.c:1488: warning: the frame size of 1072 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_softmac.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_tx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_wx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_module.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_softmac_wx.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtl819x_HTProc.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtl819x_TSProc.o
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtl819x_TSProc.c: In function ‘RxPktPendingTimeout’:
    /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtl819x_TSProc.c:99: warning: the frame size of 1056 bytes is larger than 1024 bytes
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtl819x_BAProc.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/dot11d.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_crypt.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_crypt_tkip.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_crypt_ccmp.o
      CC [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/../../rtllib/rtllib_crypt_wep.o
      LD [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/r8192ce_pci.o
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 1 modules
      CC      /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/r8192ce_pci.mod.o
      LD [M]  /tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192/r8192ce_pci.ko
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
    root@hostdevelop:/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011# make install
    make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 1 modules
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
    make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192'
    make -C /lib/modules/2.6.32-41-generic/build M=/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011 CC=gcc modules
    make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
      Building modules, stage 2.
      MODPOST 0 modules
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-41-generic'
    find /lib/modules/2.6.32-41-generic -name "r8192ce_*.ko" -exec ls -l {} \;
    find /lib/modules/2.6.32-41-generic -name "r8192ce_*.ko" -exec rm {} \;
    install -p -m 644 r8192ce_pci.ko /lib/modules/2.6.32-41-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/
    depmod -a
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/rtl8192ce_linux_2.6.0006.0321.2011/HAL/rtl8192'

    Then .. .. Restart your systems and your wireless should be working fine !!
    Hope that this guide help you ..

    Any feedback, comments and contribution is welcome ...

    Tuesday, 27 March 2012

    Data recovery walk through.. Guide How to !!

    To recover files from a drive containing deleted files or folders, follow these steps:

    Key Features:
    • Recover deleted files/folders even after recycle bin has been emptied or use of Shift+Del key.
    • File recovery from Missing or Lost folders.
    • Recognize and preserve long file names when restoring files & folders.
    • Multi-Disk Drive Support - Performs FAT/NTFS, EXT2/EXT3 recovery on all IDE, EIDE, SCSI and SATA disk devices.
    1. Download EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, install it and launch it. Click the "Deleted File Recovery" button on the main window of Data Recovery Wizard.
    Data Recovery Software
    2. Select the file types you want to recover. Tick 'Search all lost files automatically' to find all lost file types. Tick 'Ignore bad sectors' to skip bad sectors when scanning.
    Select file types
    3. You can see the list of all volumes found on your computer, select the exact drive and press the "NEXT" button to search. If you are familiar with file system details, you can change "Option" before pressing the "NEXT" button.
    recover deleted files
    4. Data Recovery Wizard will read file system on selected volume and search the files. This step may take some time depending on the size of disk space. You have to wait until scanning is finished.
    recover deleted files
    5. After this scanning is finished, you'll see file/folder tree.
    Note: If you are not able to get the desired results after Deleted File Recovery, go back to home window and select the option "Complete Recovery" or "Partition Recovery".
    recover deleted files
    6. The "Search files" or "Find file by name" option makes finding the file you need much easier. You also can check the quality of the data in the container by the "File Preview" option.
    recover deleted files
    recover deleted files
    recover deleted files
    7. Select the files or folders that you want to recover and press the "NEXT" button.
    recover deleted files
    8. Select a directory and press the "NEXT" button to save the files.
    Caution: Saving file(s) to the partition or drive where you are recovering data, for it may result in overwriting data and permanent data loss!
    Please see "Deleted File Recovery" for more details.
    The demo version of Data Recovery Wizard gives you a much fairer idea about chances of data recovery from your hard disk before deciding upon the purchase.

    Lost you Data ? Hard Drive file system corrupted ..I think this might help

    Recovering deleted files after you have emptied the Recycle Bin, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, email, photo, database and more files...

    The easy recovery software - Data Recovery Wizard restores deleted files no longer in the Recycle Bin. It can recover the deleted Word, Excel, PowerPoint, photo, Email, database, and all document formats and folders in Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Windows 7, which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.

    Why can you recover deleted files?

    Emergency file recovery requires more than the correct tool, though. It is requested to know how file deletion occurs, and what you have to do to maximize the chances of a successful recovery.
    When a file is deleted from your computer, you just lose the file entry in My Computer. The file content still exists on the hard disk, Windows simply marks the hard drive space as being available for use so that you can write new files. If you manage to start an undelete process before Windows uses that part of the hard drive to write a new file, all you have to do is set that flag back to "on" and you get the file.
    Obviously, the sooner you try to restore a file, the more successful you'll be. But stop a moment and think about the other things that could cause this part of the hard drive to be overwritten. If your hard drive is pretty full, the odds are much greater that Windows will grab your precious unallocated space for its next write. Or, if you defrag the hard drive, you run the risk of unused parts of the drive being overwritten! (This also means that if you are running silent background defrags services like Diskeeper, or if you have defragged utilities scheduled to defrag automatically, you might get blindsided - lose your chance at data recovery - if you don't halt them until you have your deleted file recovered.
    For that matter, simply starting up Windows or, to a lesser extent, shutting down Windows causes many tiny files to be written. You really want to avoid these processes if possible.
    So the first rule is: Stop using that computer immediately! This minute! Right now! Use another computer to get the Data Recovery Wizard you need. Please see: How to install a hard drive?
    This is also one of the places where the well-planned partitioning of your hard drive has a huge advantage. Partitions physically mark off different parts of the hard drive. If, for example, you have your data and program files on their own separate partitions, and it's a data file that you want to recover (which is usually the case), then Windows startup or shutdown won't touch that part of the hard drive. If you have the swapfile / pagefile on its own partition, and all of your directories for temporary files on another, then these most-changing and most-written files will also be kept from overwriting the part of the drive holding the files you want to recover. However, if you take that 80 GB hard drive and make it all one big single C: partition, then you run the risk of making your file unrecoverable anytime the swapfile resizes, or any time Windows writes a temporary file of any kind... and this could be pretty much at any moment whatsoever! Partitioning gives enormous advantage in file recovery.

    Resolving SFTP Import Failures on Amazon AWS: Best Practices for Cloud Development and SRE Engineering

    In the fast‐paced world of Cloud Development and SRE Engineering , encountering transient errors can disrupt your workflow. Recently, our t...