Tuesday 1 October 2013

How to Install Ruby & Rails on CentOS, Fedora or RedHat

#get root access
$su -
$ cd /tmp
#Remove old Ruby
$ yum remove ruby
# Install dependencies
$ yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ yum install zlib zlib-devel
$ yum install openssl-devel
$ wget http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz
$ cd yaml-0.1.4
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
# Install ruby
$ wget http://ftp.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/1.9/ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz
$ tar zxf ruby-1.9.3-p194.tar.gz
$ cd ruby-1.9.3-p194
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
# Update rubygems
$ gem update --system
$ gem install bundler
#Test ruby and rubygems are working
#Close shell and reopen for changes to take effect
$ruby -v
$gem --version
# Rails
$ yum install sqlite-devel
$ gem install rails
$ gem install sqlite3

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