Checking for open ports is among the first steps to secure your device. Listening services may be the entrance for attackers who may exploit service vulnerabilities to gain access or disrupt a system.
A listening service or listening port is an open port with an application waiting for a client to connect (e.g an FTP server waiting for an FTP client) There is not sense in keeping a web server running if you aren’t serving a website, nor to keep the port 22 open if you don’t use ssh.
This tutorial shows how to check for open ports both remotely and locally and how to close them.
- How to check for open ports on Linux remotely with Nmap
- How to check for open ports on Linux locally
- Removing services on Debian 10 Buster
- How to close open ports on Linux using UFW
- How to close open ports on Linux using iptables
- Related articles
How to check for open ports on Linux locally
The command netstat is present on all computer OS (Operating Systems) to monitor network connections. The following command uses netstat to show all listening ports using the TCP protocol:
netstat: calls the program.
-l: lists listening ports.
-t: specifies TCP protocol.
The output is friendly, well ordered in columns showing the protocol, received and sent packets, local and remote IP addresses and the port state.
If you change the TCP protocol for UDP the result, at least on Linux, will display only open ports without specifying the state because contrary to the TCP protocol, the UDP protocol is stateless.
You can avoid specifying protocols and use only the option -l or –listen to get information on all ports listening independently of the protocol:
The option above will display information for TCP, UDP and Unix socket protocols.
All examples above show how to print information on listening ports without established connections. The following command shows how to display listening ports and established connections:
netstat: calls the program
-v: verbosity
-a: shows active connections.
-t: shows tcp connections
-n: shows ports in numerical value
Let’s say you identified a suspicious process in your system and you want to check associated ports to it. You can use the command lsof used to list open files associated to processes.
In the next example I will check the process 19327:
lsof: calls the program
-i: lists files interacting with the internet, the option 4 instructs to print only IPv4, option 6 is available for IPv6.
-a: instructs the output to be ANDed.
-p: Specify the PID number of the process you want to check.
How to check for open ports on Linux remotely
If you want to detect ports on a remote system the most widely used tool is Nmap (Network Mapper). The following example shows a single port scan against output is ordered in 3 columns showing the port, the port state and the service listening behind the port.
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
161/tcp filtered snmp
443/tcp open https
1666/tcp filtered netview-aix-6
1723/tcp filtered pptp
6666/tcp filtered irc
6667/tcp filtered irc
6668/tcp filtered irc
6669/tcp filtered irc
9100/tcp filtered jetdirect
Removing services on Debian 10 buster
Additionally to firewall rules to keep your ports blocked removing unnecessary services is recommended. Under Debian 10 Buster this can be achieved with apt.The following example shows how to remove the Apache 2 service using apt:
If requested press Y to end the removal.
How to close open ports on Linux using UFW
If you find open ports you don’t need to be open the easiest solution is to close it using UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
There are two ways to block a port, by using the option deny and with the option reject, the difference is the reject instruction will inform the second side the connection was rejected.
To block the port 22 using the rule deny just run:
To block the port 22 using the rule reject just run:
On the Related Articles section at the end of this tutorial, you can find a good tutorial on Uncomplicated Firewall.
How to close open ports on Linux using iptables
While UFW is the easiest way to manage ports, it is a frontend for Iptables.The following example shows how to reject connections to the port 22 using iptables:
The rule above instructs to reject all tcp incoming (INPUT) connections to destination port (dport) 22. Being rejected the source will be informed the connection was rejected.
The following rule just drops all packets without informing the source the connection was rejected:
I hope you found this brief tutorial useful. Keep following LinuxHint for additional updates and tips on Linux and Networking.
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